Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Is Courtney Love Actually Insane?

Courtney Love was performing last Saturday at the SWU Festival in Brazil when she had a squirm-in-your-seat msort-of-meltdown with an audience member holding up a Kurt Cobain photo. "I don't need to see a picture of Kurt, asshole!" she yelled. "And I'm going to have you fucking removed if you keep holding that up. I'm not Kurt, I have to live with his shit and his ghost and his kid every day and throwing that up is stupid and rude and I'm going to beat the fuck out of you if you do it again."

Further, getting an entire audience to chant "The Foo Fighters are gay" is not only entirely out of left-field and bizarre, but also completely childish and not a little offensive. We understand that people who use the term "gay" negatively frequently don't literally mean homosexual, but using the term in this context, to such a large audience, is both irresponsible and offensive. Could she not have used "shit" or something instead? Language issues aside, the whole incident is an embarrassment. Is she really upset with Dave Grohl over financial issues? Or is she jealous that his band is bigger than hers? Why else get thousands of people to chant negative stuff about Grohl's entire band and not just him?

Just watch the video clip above and see.

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