Monday, November 28, 2011

George Michael Fights For His Life Battling Severe Pneumonia

George Michael is currently at the intensive ward of the AKH hospital in Vienna after falling ill on Monday with pneumonia. He was reportedly in his suite at Vienna's Imperial Hotel when he suddenly felt ill.

The Triadyne Proventa bed

Doctors at the hospital told the media that Michael is currently using a "special £100,000 futuristic hospital bed" called the Triadyne Proventa bed designed to help critically ill patients.

Dr Carol Cooper, told the paper: 'The bed has probably saved his life so far. But he is far from out of the woods yet.'

The futuristic bed, which measures 7ft 6in by 3ft 5in, mimics the body’s natural movements to improve blood and lymph flow. It is also equipped with sophisticated technology to reduce pressure on the patient's lungs.

Diane Kruger Spotted in Mexico

Inglorious Basterds star Diane Kruger was recently seen vacationing in Mexico wearing a pair of high-waisted granny panty bikini bottoms.

Tobey Maguire Pays $80k To Make Illegal Poker Lawsuit Go Away

Tobey Maquire, who was recently involved in a lawsuit arising from illegal high-stakes pokwer game, is paying at least $80,000 to get out of the muck and clear his name.

Tobey Maguire with wife Jennifer Meyer and kids.

Miley Cyrus: Smart Ass Maybe, But Not a Pothead, Rep Says

Miley Cyrus's representative insists that Miley was just a smart ass, and not a pothead "smoking way too much weed," as the public came to conclude last week during Miley's birthday.

Miley was joking about the cake her friends got her for her 19th birthday when she said, "You know you’re a stoner when friends make you a Bob Marley cake. You know you smoke way too much f***in’ weed."

The rep says the Bob Marley cake was an inside joke ... Kelly Osbourne has been calling her "Bob Miley" since the infamous salvia incident.

Miley Cyrus Does a New Provocative Photoshoot for NOH8

Miley Cyrus recently posed for a photoshoot for the NOH8 campaign. Photographed by Adam Bouska, Miley posed wearing a sheer shirt bearing the NOH8 logo while flashing the "peace" sign.

NOH8 is a project started by photographer Adam Bouska and Jeff Parshley to protest California Proposition 8, which eliminates the right of same-sex couples to marry.

Maria Yeater's Lawyer Calls Yeater's Ex-BF "Media Whore"

Mariah Yeater--the woman who has been accusing Justin Bieber as her infant's father--was called "whore for media attention." But when her ex-boyfriend came into the scene--a certain Robbie Powell who insists he is indeed the father of Mariah's baby--Mariah's lawyer Jeffrey Leving is just too quick to snap at Powell for being a "media whore hypocrite."

 "If Robbie Powell 'actually' believes and claims he is the father, I suggest he contact me directly. Litigating this case in the media and bypassing Mariah's legal team only perpetuates the three-ring circus and accomplishes nothing as I see it."

As for Powell ... the baby daddy drama has already raised his street value -- because he's already been approached by several media outlets to tell his side of the story ... and he's entertaining multiple offers.
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