Thursday, January 31, 2013

Justin Bieber to Make New Movie based on Zombie Book

Sources from Justin Bieber’s camp revealed that the international pop sensation is currently in talks with certain Hollywood producers to make a new movie about zombies. The said movie, to be based on the book, ‘Zombies Eat Justin Bieber,’ will star Justin as himself, and will be about an ill-fated concert held in a small town gone awry—in a zombie apocalyptic sense.

The book, authored by Rabe King and is essentially a dark comedy about the insane things that happen in a “zombified” Justin Bieber concert, is about a “dude” named Danny Wachowski who unwittingly turns Justin’s concert-goers into a zombie horde, endangering the pop star and, as the book’s sleeve states, “all mankind.” Danny teams up with Justin to stop the horde from turning everyone else on the planet into brains-eating zombies.

While Justin’s PR team has not officially commented on the matter, our source says a statement will be released soon. The movie is supposed to be released “as soon as possible” as a way to give Justin’s fans a look into the “quirky” side of the pop star’s talents.

The book, ‘Zombies Eat Justin Bieber,’ is currently available on Amazon.
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