Saturday, November 26, 2011

Breaking Dawn Movie Literally Makes People Sick

The Twilight Saga may have made some people cringe due to the overly cheesy dialogue, over-the-top scenes or Kristen Stewart’s complete lack of talent. But some reports say that Breaking Dawn Part 1 has actually made viewers ill because of some scenes.

Currently the number one movie in America, Breaking Dawn Part 1 is allegedly inducing seizures to some of its viewers.

Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan in Breaking Dawn Part 1

The movie contains a graphic birthing scene involving star Kristen Stewart and the violent delivery of her child. ABC reports that the flashing of colors and bright lights have caused multiple viewers to suffer from photosensitive epilepsy, including a Salt Lake City man who was, "mumbling and he was blinking on and off with his eyes," his wife told the news network.

This is not the first film to allegedly cause seizures; in 2009, James Cameron's digital extravaganza, "Avatar," also reportedly caused some viewers to break into convulsions.

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