Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Steven Spielberg Regrets Editing 'E.T.' for "Political Correctness"

Steven Spielberg recently said in an interview that he deeply regrets having cut his 1982 movie E.T. for a 20th anniversary DVD release for the sake of political correctness.

Specifically, guns of officials hunting the eponymous alien were replaced by walkie-talkies, supposedly to make the film more suitable for family viewing.

But despite his reservations about the changes, Spielberg said both the original and modified versions will be released on Blu-ray to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the film, which won four Academy Awards.

But despite his reservations about the changes, Spielberg said both the original and modified versions will be released on Blu-ray to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the film, which won four Academy Awards.

‘A lot of kids only know E.T. from the digitally-enhanced version,’ he explained.

‘So in order not to traumatise that entire generation, I’ll probably come out with the old version and the enhanced version, but sell both at the same time, for the same price, so you can make your choice.’  

Spielberg was speaking in Richmond, Virginia, where he is shooting the presidential biopic Lincoln, starring Daniel Day-Lewis.

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