Sunday, December 11, 2011

Alec Baldwin Mocks Himself on Saturday Night Live

Alec Baldwin was recently kicked off his American Airlines flight for playing Words With Friends. The 30 Rock star has since tweeted his account on the incident, but he surprised everyone by making a guest appearance during the Weekend Update with Seth Myers on SNL. Dressed as pilot Captain Steve Rogers, Baldwin extended his apology to, well, himself, plus shared more insights about the event.  

Alec Baldwin in Weekend Update with Seth Myers

“It was awful Seth,” mustachioed Captain Rogers said. “Which is why it was important for me to come here and on behalf of everyone at American Airlines, issue an apology to Mr. Alec Baldwin!”

“Mr. Baldwin is an American treasure!”

Like any keen interviewer, Myers kept the questions about the star’s tantrum coming.
“It was also reported that Alec Baldwin slammed the bathroom door so loudly it could be heard in the cockpit?”

“Now Seth, Words with Friends can be frustrating,” Captain Rogers explained. “But when you think you’re about to play 'jailers' off of somebody's 'quiche' and you realize you don’t have the ‘i’ - let me tell you - that would make you slam the door too!”

“Don’t phones interfere with the plane’s communication system?” Myers asked.

“Oh, you don’t believe that, do you, Seth? Would you really get on an airplane that flies 30,000 feet in the air if you thought a Kindle switch would bring it down? Come on it’s just a cruel joke perpetrated by the airline industry.”

While Baldwin had America in stitches, American Airlines may not take so kindly to the surprise skit, considering personnel have already asked the airline to remove “30 Rock” as in-flight entertainment, requested that Baldwin be put on an internal no-fly list and suggested he also be fined by the FAA.

"It has not been proven that electronic devices do not interfere with safety sensitive systems of the aircraft, especially at critical times of flight, taxi, take-off and landing," American Airlines flight attendant Lonny Glover, a safety and security expert with the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, told the Daily News.

"We do not want to risk the safety, fellow passengers and crew by playing a word game on an iPad, sending that last text, reading that last paragraph of your E-book," he said.

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